Tags Social Media

Tag: Social Media

Why does your company needs PR despite social media presence?

PR is often misunderstood with social media marketing by new start-ups and mid-level companies alike.  While having both can make a significant impact on...

Hancock’s app is a classic example of attention seeking social media management

British tory politician and cultural secretary, Matt Hancock has launched an app that is named after him. In an attempt to escalate his social...

Have social media influencers become the game changer of digital marketing?

Digital marketing has become an indispensable part of each and every person’s daily life.  We are literally living in a virtual world where marketing...

Digital marketing made easy with Big Data and social media union

Big Data has always been one of the main mechanisms of predictive market analysis, an integral feature of digital marketing. However, in most cases...

Are social media stories the latest digital marketing tool?

Ever since the advent of social media, marketing has shifted platforms from bill-boards and TV sets to personal computers, laptops, and mobile phones. It’s...

In the midst of social media hullaballoo, it’s time to go authentic or go home!

Facebook recently put out a statement where it talks about demoting posts that bait users. With the evolution of social media, brands and companies have...

3 key public relations trends that are going to triumph in 2018!

With 2017 practically in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to start looking ahead and thinking about what’s going to be hot in 2018. Public...

How social media rallied together to put a death knell on Kevin spacey’s career!

Social media today has revolutionised the magnitude of scandals; giving people career threatening consequences embroiled in them. Few days back, 46-year old actor of Star...

Twitter’s doubling of character count inflates opportunities for social media marketers

Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms, recently rolled out the beta version of its move to double character count, going from 140...

5 Stats and Facts about Online Public Relations for Better Ranking

Fact: 90% chances are there that the reader of this post will gain absolute insight for improving his/ her public relations! Does this sound impossible?...
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Drawing PR Lessons from the Silver Screen: A Dive into ‘Thank You for Smoking

Hello PR mavericks and entrepreneurs, welcome to this week's #TuesdayTalkies, where we traverse the reels for real-world PR insights. Today,...

Picasso vs. Van Gogh: The Power of Storytelling

Today, let’s dive into the art world and explore the captivating stories of Picasso and Van Gogh. Their journeys teach us valuable...

Navigating the Burnout Phenomenon

In the fast-paced world of PR and marketing, burnout is a silent threat that can creep up on the most diligent among...

The Evolution of Public Relations in the Digital Age

Unleashing the Power of Connectivity, AI, and Authentic Storytelling Today, let's dive deep into the exciting journey of public...