Tags Public Relations

Tag: Public Relations

How public relations put an impact on Reputation Management?

A company’s Public Relations deserve significant attention to develop a positivemarket reputation for itself. Without the same, there is no way a business can...

The ultimate guide for a good content and successful Digital Marketing!

So, what is the latest thing you have planned for your content? There must be many! However, are you aware of the fact that...

5 Stats and Facts about Online Public Relations for Better Ranking

Fact: 90% chances are there that the reader of this post will gain absolute insight for improving his/ her public relations! Does this sound impossible?...

Utilize Public Relations as a Secret Weapon to Achieve Voluptuous Marketing Results

Any business, be it online or offline, relies heavily on its marketing team to develop a strong and loyal customer base. Extending one’s service...

Social Media Platforms Are Emerging To Be the Linchpin of Public Relations

9th September, 2017: In her latest column, Michelle Held pens down social media as an intricate public relations tool in earning successful local listings. ...

Fostering “Teams” Rather Than Individual can Boost Company’s Public Relations!

Social hierarchies are everywhere. What if a company tries to topple it and replaces the concept of employees with teams? That would be a...

4 Reasons why YOU should outsource your Public Relations Aces

In the corporate scheme of things, most business establishments face a dilemma whether to go for internal investment or an external provider. As a...

Do better online PR with better blogging tricks!

Did you know that your BLOG reflects your PERSONALITY? Surprised? Let’s enlighten you a bit more. Before you start managing your online PR, ask...

Public Relations (PR) is a boon for businesses to build repute online

Presently, lives of people are constantly getting shuffled in the parallel worlds of reality and internet. Here, existence on the internet is clearly winning....

Changing Role of PR in 2016

The Indian PR Forum, which is currently the widest read and most recognized platform for Indian PR practitioners is conducting a study to understand...
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Drawing PR Lessons from the Silver Screen: A Dive into ‘Thank You for Smoking

Hello PR mavericks and entrepreneurs, welcome to this week's #TuesdayTalkies, where we traverse the reels for real-world PR insights. Today,...

Picasso vs. Van Gogh: The Power of Storytelling

Today, let’s dive into the art world and explore the captivating stories of Picasso and Van Gogh. Their journeys teach us valuable...

Navigating the Burnout Phenomenon

In the fast-paced world of PR and marketing, burnout is a silent threat that can creep up on the most diligent among...

The Evolution of Public Relations in the Digital Age

Unleashing the Power of Connectivity, AI, and Authentic Storytelling Today, let's dive deep into the exciting journey of public...