Monthly Archives: April, 2012

Annual General Meetings of PR Agencies

Hi Friends, I plan to work on an article on the annual get together/AGMs conducted by PR agencies for their employees. For this I require...

Future of Indian Independent PR Agencies

Recently I had an opportunity to visit the newly opened office of Adfactors PR, one of India’s largest PR agencies and was amazed seeing...

Differentiate your marketing strategy

Brands in their mission to reach out to their target audience adopt numerous marketing tactics, some unique and many tried and tested. Today’s Brand...
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Drawing PR Lessons from the Silver Screen: A Dive into ‘Thank You for Smoking

Hello PR mavericks and entrepreneurs, welcome to this week's #TuesdayTalkies, where we traverse the reels for real-world PR insights. Today,...

Picasso vs. Van Gogh: The Power of Storytelling

Today, let’s dive into the art world and explore the captivating stories of Picasso and Van Gogh. Their journeys teach us valuable...

Navigating the Burnout Phenomenon

In the fast-paced world of PR and marketing, burnout is a silent threat that can creep up on the most diligent among...

The Evolution of Public Relations in the Digital Age

Unleashing the Power of Connectivity, AI, and Authentic Storytelling Today, let's dive deep into the exciting journey of public...